Dr. Lena Alexander



Couples Communication Workshops

Learn practical skills to build, protect, and sustain your relationship.

Communicate more effectively about day-to-day issues.

Face issues and work through your differences.

Listen to and respect one another’s point of view and feelings.

Share underlying feelings of frustration, anger, or fear rather than resort to hurtful exchanges.

Manage and resolve conflicts.

Participate in conversations that flow, remain focused, and end with an action plan.

Build a more satisfying relationship.

Can’t reach a decision without arguing, getting into power struggle, or one of you simply “gives in” in order to “keep the peace.”

Misunderstand each other constantly when you attempt a discussion.

Feel unheard, misunderstood, or uncared for.

Turn differences of opinion into power struggles.

End conversations by arguing or yelling out of control.

Avoid talking about small disappointments and differences until they grow into resentments and problems.

Attack, blame, name call, criticize cruelly, or ridicule one another.

Spend too much time and energy trying to resolve conflicts.

If you and your partner..

Our workshop will help you..

Email us for information about our next Couples Communication Workshop